Das nicht.
Aber ich verstehe: Es muß ein strammes Landmädel sein.
Ein bayrisches Klischee ("Madeln mit Wadeln"), das in SOA nicht gilt.
"H'Hen Niê was born in Cư M’gar, Đắk Lắk Province to parents Y'Krin Êban and H'Ngơn Niê. She comes from the Rade ethnic minority, and as such speaks the Rade language, as her native language. H'Hen did not learn Vietnamese until eighth grade.[2] H'Hen is the third oldest out of six children, and during her youth, she worked on a coffee farm to assist her family."
Aber ich verstehe: Es muß ein strammes Landmädel sein.
Ein bayrisches Klischee ("Madeln mit Wadeln"), das in SOA nicht gilt.
"H'Hen Niê was born in Cư M’gar, Đắk Lắk Province to parents Y'Krin Êban and H'Ngơn Niê. She comes from the Rade ethnic minority, and as such speaks the Rade language, as her native language. H'Hen did not learn Vietnamese until eighth grade.[2] H'Hen is the third oldest out of six children, and during her youth, she worked on a coffee farm to assist her family."